From babies to the elderly, FAI Aviation Group flies 1,000 patients per year in its air ambulances.

The FAI Aviation Group flies around 11,000 hours per year in its air ambulances, transporting medical patients around the globe.

Dr Siegfried Axtmann, Managing Director of the Ambulance Division of Axtmann Aviation Holding GmbH, gave Editor-in-Chief Alan Peaford a tour around the company’s largest air ambulance, the Challenger 850. FAI is the first company to have a Global Express equipped for medical evacuation.

Axtmann said: “You will see in the front, one intensive care unit (ICU), but the aircraft can carry up to three ICUs and still leave eight seats for accompanying medical teams and passengers

“We have approximately ten aircraft in permanent, dedicated air ambulance service, which starts up from the Lear 60 and goes up to the Global Express long range and VIP air ambulance.”

90 per cent are intensive care patients.

“We produce around 11,000 hours of air time per year, which represents 117 times circling around the globe, transporting on average 1000 patients per year – 90 per cent of the patients are undergoing intensive care treatment, so are critical cases. On the medical spectrum, we fly patients from a baby in an incubator up to 95-year-old cancer patient, for all kinds of medical reasons.”

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